After years with a complicated, difficult to plan and update website, I was able to help transform the website into a more modern, on-brand website.
The previous website was chaotic, hard to navigate and update with it’s many responsive photo blocks, and lacked brand color consistency.
Partnering with Viget, was able to update the site to the Craft CMS platform so design could have more control in updating the site and planning out simpler, more modular webpages.
I guided the visual team to a more organized format that would allow for page consistency, as well as clearer opportunities to spotlight key products and features for potential customers.
Creating a more templatized style that worked for responsive web design allowed the team to quickly and efficiently create images and content for the site launch.
Angled photo blocks gave the opportunity to layer UI and feature elements in a more interactive way while leading the viewer down the page.
Moving forward, using established templates allows for further hierarchy across the site, as well as continued style and brand elements: A differentiated hero area allows for a product or feature spotlight, while further pages allow for more links and SEO touchpoints.
The site’s new style also opened opportunities for more consistent on-brand colors and touch points throughout the pages.